Tuesday, October 9, 2012

Netflix = Noflix

A week ago I took the time to have a Scandal marathon on Netflix.

  • The quality was HD
  • I didn't have to queue the next episode, it played automatically
  • An overall lazy and lovely marathon experience......until I looked for more marathon worth content and came up short. 
I've always had hope for Netflix. We had some good memories, the two of us. Yet, sadly enough, since it's breakup with Starz, our friendship just hasn't been the same. We went our separate ways and I paid occasional visits whenever my friendship was begged for. Netflix finds our friendship important. A free trial gift because I'm missed? No. A free trial gift because I'm needed.

I've always had hope for Netflix. However, a 10% fall today in the stocks is no surprise since this is my 4th free trial. Yikes. If Spotify Premium gave me another free trial I would be a happy camper but Spotify understands the detriment to that. Continuous free trials tells the customer your product isn't as valuable as it is priced. Quite frankly, I don't understand why there has been a shift in content being provided. There's an entire section 'Just For Kids' and all 3 kids in my household watch video content on the television. Is this a failure to conduct adequate market research? Another shift noted has been towards adult television. Hulu dominates in this area, therefore; this is an attempt at being delusional. A distinct DVD plan further takes steps to becoming obsolete since redbox takes the cake with supermarket shoppers.

I still have hope for Netflix. A hope for an imminent Amazon acquisition. I look forward to my next free trial offer (even though I may pass on it).

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