Sunday, October 14, 2012

The Greatest Movie Ever Sold?

Last week I came across POM Wonderful Presents: The Greatest Movie Ever Sold and my first question is... why didn't we watch this for any of our marketing classes?

A movie about product placement, marketing and advertising funded by product placement, marketing and advertising. Brilliant! Here's the trailer:

I love the fact that this documentary is loaded with satire. Even more pleasing to me is the fact that it's the type of satire that you laugh at for the first few minutes and then you're forced to think and ask yourself questions like: "Do I like these shoes because the aesthetic is pleasing to me or because they were worn by a leading Hollywood actor/actress in the latest Blockbuster film?"

As a marketer, one of my pet peeves is being marketed at. This week I went in to Verizon to buy a new phone and the salesperson was putting it on thick. What a turn off. I decided to buy online instead. I most definitely appreciate being marketed towards. The difference between the two is the approach. No one likes that person in the subway station who pushes flyers up their nostrils. Instead, I genuinely appreciate when a company takes the time to do research and target a demographic appropriately or reaches a target audience through creative initiatives. When working for clients it's necessary not only to understand their business but also what their competition isn't doing!

Spurlock also addresses the consequences to buying advertising. No one likes to be addressed as a 'sell out' and most creatives hate losing control of their creative vision. However, the documentary explores how quite often this is the case in Hollywood. 
Section 324: the product must have 15 seconds of screen time on 4 separate occasions.
Nice try POM, I may or may not give you a trial in the future. Brand integration. Product placement. Co-promotion. Apart from The Greatest Movie Ever Sold, my favorite feature was watching the Ford Focus park itself on the Amazing Race last season. I can appreciate a good product placement, keep it classy or unexpected and I won't change the channel.

What's your favorite feature of product placement? Sound off below.

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