Saturday, October 20, 2012

That which made Coco roll...

From time immemorial, (my entire undergraduate career) I've always chosen Chanel as my brand of choice when doing case studies or presenting relevant examples. I always chose Chanel because in my head I was a Parisian girl at heart (thank you mom for singing to me in French when I was a kid). I own one Chanel product but I'm brand loyal because it's the only perfume I've ever bought. I think I bought it in Paris just for the authenticity.

I love the Chanel brand. It exudes style, elegance, class, chicness and luxury. The No. 5 Perfume is the signature fragrance of the Chanel brand and its television commercials which equaled mini films further set it apart from all other fragrances.

Nicole Kidman = superb

Audrey Tautou = magnifique

Brad Pitt (part 1) = snoozefest

Brad Pitt (part 2) = well... okay

I took a while to write this post because I've tried to like the latest commercials. Goodness me, I've tried. Part 2 is entirely better than Part 1. I'm yet to understand why Karl Lagerfield signed off on this. Brad Pitt wasn't even wearing black. Black is sexy. Black is Chanel.

 However, there was style in diction, elegance in the cinematography and success in the fact that everyone has been talking about it for the past week. The campaign certainly did not go unnoticed. People talked about it for the mere fact that Brad Pitt was paid $7mil to do it. Some were foolish and starstruck while others grunted in dismay.

If Patrick Dempsey was not tied to his own fragrance he would be my first pick. Johnny Depp would be my 2nd pick. Yes, I know he likes the disheveled look and probably wouldn't even be interested in representing Chanel but think Johnny Depp in the film 'The Tourist'. Very similar to Brad Pitt's image but winning personality. The mini film aspect was missing. Keep Brad Pitt. Give me a mini film. 

What do you think of the latest Chanel No. 5 campaign? 
Sound off below.

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